Quileute Language Dictionary
The Quileute Dictionary is a contemporary dictionary for a very old language. It is intended for Quileute school kids and as a reference source for adults. But most of all, this resource gives a sense that the heritage language of the Quileute people is documented for all times. Quileutes young and old can use this website along with other printed resources and language lessons to further the heritage and identity of the Quileute Tribe.
The Quileute language is not a sacred cultural secret. Hokwat (non-Quileute) friends are encouraged to be as excited to have access through these resources for the Quileute language as the Quileutes themselves. After all, Quileute is one of the most interesting and distinctive languages in the world. It has explosive sound, gutteral back sounds and consonants that tie your tongue into knots. Quileute words can be 20 syllables long. And, Quileute isn’t related to any other living language … it’s call a linguistic isolate. The alphabet used for writing Quileute was developed by the Quileute Cultural Committee in the late 1960’s.